December 7 – 8 / 10am – 6pm CET
Purchase IAPP AIGP training package here
Register for quotation here
The rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence has focused our collective attention on the promise and peril of an AI-fueled society. With equal parts excitement and trepidation, we find ourselves asking how to build a future augmented by the potential benefits of AI, while avoiding its pitfalls.
Every day we hear more about the potential of AI-powered systems to transform how we work, create, solve problems, communicate, and even diagnose and treat illness. The possibilities of advanced AI seem to be unlimited.
But without proper testing, evaluation, validation, and verification at each stage of AI development, foundational AI models could perpetuate biases and amplify other societal challenges that will cascade through later systems and remain for decades.
We must continue to build and refine the governance processes through which trustworthy AI will emerge and we must invest in the people who will build ethical and responsible AI. Those who work in compliance, risk management, legal and governance together with data scientists, AI project managers, model ops teams and others must be prepared to tackle the expanded equities at issue in AI governance.
To meet this demand, the IAPP has developed the Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional (AIGP) certification and training for the emerging AI governance profession. An AIGP trained and certified professional will know how to implement and effectively communicate across teams the emerging best practices and rules for responsible management of the AI ecosystem. We are privileged to grow a community of credentialed AI governance professionals, through which resources and expanding knowledge can be brought together in one place.
More details on announcement is available here and the latest news here.
The main purpose of the AIGP body of knowledge is to document the knowledge and skills that will be assessed on the AIGP certification exam. The domains of the BoK capture the activities that an AI governance professional should undertake to guide AI’s implementation in a manner that mitigates risk and ensures safety and trust. There are six main domains and a seventh that entertains emerging governance and legal issues:
- Domain 1: ′′Understanding the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence,′′ defines AI and machine learning, provides an overview of
the different types of AI systems and their use cases, and positions AI models in the broader socio-cultural context. - Domain 2: ′′Understanding AI Impacts and Responsible AI Principles,′′ identifies the risks that ungoverned AI systems can have
on humans and society and describes the characteristics and principles that are essential to trustworthy and ethical AI. - Domain 3: ′′Understanding How Current Laws Apply to AI Systems,′′ surveys the current laws that govern the use of artificial intelligence.
- Domain 4: ′′Understanding the Existing and Emerging AI Laws and Standards,′′ outlines the global AI-specific laws (like the EU AI Act and Canada’s Bill C-27) and the major frameworks that show how AI systems can be responsibly governed.
- Domain 5: ′′Understanding the AI Development Life Cycle,′′ broadly outlinesthe context in which AI risks are managed.
- Domain 6: ′′Implementing Responsible
AI Governance and Risk Management,′′ explains how the major AI stakeholders collaborate in a layered approach, to manage AI risks while fulfilling the potential benefits AI systems have for society. - Domain 7: ′′Contemplating Ongoing Issues and Concerns,′′ presents some of the debated issues around AI governance.
IAPP AIGP BoK is available for download here.
The body of knowledge also includes the Exam Blueprint numbers, which show the number of questions from each part of the BoK that will be found on the exam.
The AIGP body of knowledge was developed by a substantial group of experts from the fields of ethics, law, privacy, computer science, sociology and psychology that represents the breadth of responsible AI stakeholders. The BoK will be reviewed (and, if necessary, updated) every six months; changes will be reflected in exam updates and communicated to candidates at least 90 days before the new content appears in the exam.
The content in the body of knowledge is represented as a series of competencies and connected performance Indicators.
Competencies are clusters of connected tasks and abilities that constitute a broad knowledge domain.
Performance indicators are the discrete tasks and abilities that constitute the broader competence group. Exam questions assess an AI governance professional’s proficiency on the performance indicators.
For the certification candidate, the performance indicators are guides to the depth of knowledge required to demonstrate competency. The verbs that begin the skill and task statements (identify, evaluate, implement, define) signal the level of complexity of the exam questions and find their corollaries on the Bloom’s Taxonomy
Based on (1) IAPP AIGP BoK 1.0.0. and (2) AI certification training provided for existing certification Syllabus, certification exam will be available during December / Q1 2024.
That will help you to prepare for certification on early bird booking.
Cost for the training is 1.495EUR (promo price expire December 31st 2023)
(+VAT 25% / unless you provide company VAT for reverse charge).
Purchase it today on CertShop here or register here to receive formal quotation.
Training is run by William Bello, FIP, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, CIPM, CIPT, BCS AIF, ITIL
Facebook study group
Enroll in the AIGP – Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Certification Training Facebook group today to prepare for both the AIGP certification exam and your role as an AI team member